
You Want A Tech Wedding? Hire a Robot Photographer

Bride Magazine

Wedding photographers beware: robots are out there gunning for your jobs, apparently.

British company Service Robots is currently offering robots either for hire or purchase that can help you in your hospitality business, work as waiters or, in the case of Eva, take photographs during events.

Eva is 5 feet tall and uses facial recognition to greet guests then ask them if they would like to have their picture taken.

A British couple who recently got married thought that hiring Eva, would be and interesting addition to their wedding and the robot was allowed to roam freely across the venue and ask the guests if they would like to get photographed.

This was a fantastic addition to our day and our guests are still talking about it.” Gary Barket, the groom, said Eva went down a treat and really got people involved. It made a nice change from the normal photo booths.

Service Robots made sure a printing station that could instantly print out the photos was available at the venue as well. If the guests don’t want a physical copy though, the images can easily be uploaded to any social media platform they prefer, if an internet connection is available.

But I was only joking before, wedding photographers – the British couple did hire a human photographer at their wedding as well, so don’t worry, your job is not becoming obsolete any time soon. After all, photography still needs that extra ‘oomph!’ only a human touch can deliver.

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