Smart Life

Airbus To Unveil Flying Car By The End of The Year

airbus vahana

Airbus is looking towards the skies for traffic congestion solutions. The company’s CEO has recently talked about their 2017 flying car project and fleet of drones concept #actionmagic

Tom Enders, Airbus CEO, talked about unveiling a flying car by the end of the year. As far-fetched as that project seemed years ago, it now has real chances of seeing the light of day, since “with flying, you don’t need to pour billions into concrete bridges and roads.”  The single-passenger vehicle concept is named Vahana and is seen as a great solution for those stuck in traffic.  Enders believes Vahana will be up for testing by December 2017 as they have most of the parts and expect a single challenge – a good sense-and-avoid technology. If that is overcome, then the self-piloted car can be used safely for car-sharing.

The other project Airbus is focusing on is called Skyways and it refers to many fleets of delivery drones. Airbus is not going to be competition for Amazon, though; instead it will provide vehicles for couriers in need of them.

“In as little as 10 years, we could have products on the market that revolutionize urban travel for millions of people.”, predicts division CEO Rodin Lyasoff. 

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