
The World’s First Floating City To Become A Reality In 2019

floating city

Plans for floating villas and traffic tunnels , as well as concepts for floating UFO homes , have made us dream of alternative homes last year. But we didn’t quite believe in their feasibility and sustainability; how would they work in today’s urban environment? Well, French Polynesia might have the answer. Instead of thinking small, the country announced it was developing the world’s first floating city #todaymagic

Last week, the French Polynesian government signed an agreement with a design firm from San Francisco to build the first floating city known to the modern world. The construction is set to begin in 2019 in the South Pacific. The main driver for this unexpected decision was the fear of losing more land and homes to constantly rising water levels. In this way, people would be protected, their houses above sea level.

The design firm hired to come with the floating city concept is Seasteading Institute, a company that has dedicated its last five years to this exact task. “We are planning to spin off a new industry of floating islands that will allow people to stay tethered to their sovereignty as opposed to having to flee to other countries,”, said Seasteading executive director, Randolph Hencken to ABC News.

The plan is to start with a dozen shelters for residents interested in living far from mainland and if all goes well, move hundreds more so that in the end, a whole community would live safely, in a floating town.

This year, Seasteading Institute will have to complete the plans and incorporate them into the legislation. If they pass by the end of 2018, the brickwork will begin in 2019. 

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