duke nukem

Holy Sh*t! Original Duke Nukem Forever 2D From 1996 Just Leaked on 4Chan

Are you ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum? Then this leak is the perfect Christmas gift.

A build of the original Duke Nukem Forever 2D, from 1996, just leaked on 4Chan and you can actually play it.

Fans of Duke have waited decades for Duke Nukem Forever but the 3D version was a heartbreaking disappointment.

Now, you can soothe that heartache with a game that could have landed circa 1997 or 1998 if the makers weren’t so stubborn to work on the 3D Duke Nukem Forever. 

“The 2D platformer should have been simply called Duke Nukem 4Ever. Directed by Keith Schuler, development was halted in mid-1996 and canceled in 1997, with the name being reused. The build (indeed, the builds) found by x0r_jmp is playable and self-executable thanks to DOSBox,” explains PledgeTimes.

Check out the Duke Nukem Forever 2D in action and try it yourself, it’s a piece of history right at your fingertips.

There’s no telling who released the Duke Nukem Forever 2D build available right now, though it’s probably a former 3D realms employee. So far, George Broussard, its creator and the co-founder of 3D realms, has not tweeted anything about this leak but we’re anxious to see what he thinks about fans trying out his unreleased game. Could this be an elaborate marketing scheme to drum up hype about a new Duke Nukem project? One can only hope!

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Holy Sh*t! Original Duke Nukem Forever 2D From 1996 Just Leaked on 4Chan

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