
Viral TikTok Shows the Pain Of Making Powerpoints In Corporate America

joe fenti powerpoint tiktoks screencap

If there is one job AI should take, it’s definitely making PowerPoints.

A viral TikTok series shows just how mind-numbingly stupid and aggravating the process of making decks is, especially as a junior designer or someone else at the whims of an undecided boss.

Boston-based comedian Joe Fenti (pictured above) posted on his TikTok his experience of corporate America. Specifically, the interaction between an employee and a supervisor asking for a PowerPoint presentation will remind you of the absolute worst moments of office jobs.

“Hi, do you make PowerPoints?” the supervisor asks in the beginning of the now viral video.

“It’s more or less my entire job,” the employee replies, kicking off an exchange that’s horribly familiar to anyone who ever had to open PowerPoint or Google Slides.

The bad news? While Fenti posted the videos talking about corporate America specifically, it’s basically the same everywhere in the world. I personally witnessed a PowerPoint going back and forth for three weeks, because a single separating  red line in it was 29 pixels thick instead of 30. I also witnessed a boss giving a series of bad feedback to someone’s PowerPoints for days, until people realized that the boss was always opening the first version of the presentation and was never actually looking at the revised follow-ups.

Talk about bullshit jobs! Anyway, Joe Fenti has a pretty good look at them on his TikTok so, if you have some office hours to waste, do give it a look.

Also read: A Man Pretending to Be Dead On TikTok Gets His First Paid Role Playing Dead on CSI: Vegas

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