Smart Life

Wear These Clothes And You Won’t Have To Worry About Recharging Again

charging jacket iphone

It’s not a pleasure to carry around chargers and battery packs for your smartphone and other gadgets when you go swimming or running in the park. But you can’t live disconnected from the world, either, right? That’s why BauBax is launching an entire clothing and accessories line meant to keep everything at 100% #objectmagic

Jackets, jeans, shorts and wristlets are up for grabs on the Kickstarter page  the minute you decide this is something that might make your life easier for a change. The charging jacket has copper wire built into it and a wireless charging pad inside a pocket; it works directly with Android phones that have built-in wireless charging capability but it requires a BauBax special case for iPhones. Jacket collars have plug-in points that charge BauBax earbuds, while smartwatches can be connected to the the inner sleeves of the jacket for a quick refill.

Where is the battery bank hidden? It neatly fits in a wallet that has its own place inside the clothes. You’ll have one smartphone recharge guaranteed until the battery needs recharging, too.

All in all, there are 27 items BauBax is creating for recharging on the go, with clothes prices reaching  $170.

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