
And The Best Selling Smartphone of 2019 Is … The iPhone XR

The iPhone XR was released in 2018 as a lower-cost alternative to the iPhone XS. According to a report from Omida Technology, in the year it was launched, Apple sold 23.1 million units. The following year, in 2019, it shipped 46.3 million devices, making it the best selling smartphone of the year.

Smartphone sales in 2019 were dominated by Apple and Samsung, nine of the top ten devices belong to the two companies. The only outcast in the rankings is Xiaomi, mainly because of its impact on the Indian market.

Jusy Hong, smartphone research and analysis director at Omdia says “Apple has consistently owned the first and second positions in the global smartphone model shipment ranking, with the company maintaining this dominant position for more than five years running,”

Still, Samsung remains the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, but because of the larger range of devices, one could not get close to the iPhone.
“Samsung in 2019 greatly increased the number of variants of its flagship model by introducing low-priced models, along with 5G smartphones. Omdia believes that shipments are dispersed among the variants, preventing the Galaxy S10 from attaining higher total shipments.”

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