
Anti-Face Makeup Makes You Invisible To Face Detection Systems

CV Dazzle Anti-face

There are makeup techniques to conceal tattoos, scars, even transform us into different characters around Halloween, so why wouldn’t there be a beauty method to conceal you from computers? CV Dazzle is the name of a camouflage that can make you invisible to face detection algorithms #fotomagic

The CV Dazzle name is inspired by a World War I naval camouflage. By painting battleships with cubist patterns, the visual continuity of them was lost on the observer. It was practically impossible to tell the orientation and size of them. Now, a similar makeup technique can be applied to a face to avoid surveillance cameras.

Using colors and shapes, the symmetry of the face is concealed and in doing so, an anti-face emerges.  Since machines have learned how to detect face features by analyzing billions of human faces, such an optical illusion could deceive them.

On the CV Dazzle website, there are styling tips for “reclaiming privacy”. Using dark colors on bright skin tones, avoiding enhances, obscuring the nose-bridge area are just some pieces of advice for evading face detection systems. Moreover, research from Ranran Feng and Balakrishnan Prabhakaran at University of Texas shows that obscuring the elliptical shape of a head can also improve your ability to block face detection.

Would you give it a try?


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