
Apple Reaches $1 Trillion, Tim Cook Says “It’s Not the Most Important Measure of Success”

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Eric Risberg / Shutterstock

Apple might have been knocked out by Huawei from the #2 spot in the world’s biggest smartphone makers top but the company is still a behemoth. After the quarterly financial report, Apple is now a $1 trillion dollar company, an impressive achievement, after growing by 17% year-over-year.

While iPhone sales only grew by 1 percent and Mac sales did not grow at all, services like Apple Music and Apple Pay brought in $9.6 billion in revenue!

However, Apple CEO Tim Cook does not think shareholder value is the most important aspect. Steve Jobs’ successor sent a company-wide memo about Apple’s $1 trillion worth and focused on the emotional aspects of the achievement.

Here’s what he said, courtesy of Buzzfeed News:


Today Apple passed a significant milestone. At our closing share price of $207.39, the stock market now values Apple at more than $1 trillion. While we have much to be proud of in this achievement, it’s not the most important measure of our success. Financial returns are simply the result of Apple’s innovation, putting our products and customers first, and always staying true to our values.

It’s you, our team, that makes Apple great and our success is due to your hard work, dedication and passion. I am deeply humbled by what you do, and it’s the privilege of a lifetime to work alongside you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the late hours and extra trips, all the times you refuse to settle for anything less than excellence in our work together.

Let’s take this moment to thank our customers, our suppliers and business partners, the Apple developer community, our coworkers and all those who came before us at this remarkable company.

Steve founded Apple on the belief that the power of human creativity can solve even the biggest challenges — and that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. In today’s world, our mission is more important than ever. Our products not only create moments of surprise and delight, they empower people all around the globe to enrich their lives and the lives of others.

Just as Steve always did in moments like this, we should all look forward to Apple’s bright future and the great work we’ll do together.


…. Makes you wonder how Facebook shareholders would react to a message like this, seeing what happened to Mark Zuckerberg after releasing the Facebook Q2 results.

Also read: ✍Apple Prepares Face ID iPads and iPhones For Fall Launch✍

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