
Apple Buys Eye Tracking Company For AR Applications

sensomotoric instruments AR

Apple has acquired a company that will play a big role in its augmented reality plans. SensoMotoric Instruments is an eye tracking hardware manufacturer with applications in AR #realitymagic

The Cupertino giant has made another step in the direction of its AR goals. After unveiling the ARKit, news came in that Apple had acquired a company specialized in eye tracking technology. This company is SensoMotoric Instruments, on the market since 1991, based in Berlin.

SMI has developed tech that tracks a wearer’s gaze in real time, 120 times/second. This speed definitely reduces input lag, making it easier for users to remain in augmented reality for longer times, as the motion sickness feeling is diminished. The company has been using their tech for autism detection in children, brain mapping, as well as psychology and physical training.

As we’re used to, Apple has been very hush-hush about the deal, avoiding to expand on the way they were going to implement this tech. Are Apple Glasses in the cards or not? We don’t know yet. We do believe that it’s gonna take a while to use this tech at its full potential so we’re definitely not going to see it on iPhone 8.

One thing is clear – Apple is moving fast to achieve its AR dreams. Developers have already taken advantage of the ARKit and the iPhone’s camera and sensors to build new apps.

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