Smart Life

Apple Watch Might Feature Sleep Tracking System


Apple acquired the Beddit company, who is responsible for creating the Beddit Sleep Monitor, some two years ago, which led many to speculate that Apple will invest more in sleep tracking for the Apple Watch. 

According to 9to5Mac, these speculations turned out to be correct – inside sources have confimred that Apple is indeed working on a sleep tracking system for the Apple Watch that might be announced next week, during the company’s annual event. 

This new feature has apparently been dubbed “Burrito” internally but its more ‘professional’ name is ‘Time in Bed tracking’. It will keep track of the wearer’s sleep information such as sleep quality, by using a multitude of sensors to monitor their movement, heart rate and noises. 

Since this will require the wearers to keep the smartwatch on their person during sleep, the issue of battery life has been dealt with by adding a feature that will remind them to charge the watch before going to bed. The alarm system will play on the Apple Watch first but the iPhone will be used as a backup, just in case. However, the alarm has an option to go off only on the Apple Watch, just so you won’t wake up everyone else in the house. 

Another smart feature will kick in if the user wakes up before their alarm: their movement will let the watch know what happened and will automatically turn off the alarm. 

We’ll have to wait for the official launch to see if sleep tracking will indeed become a reality. Hopefully that’s not too far off and we’ll see it make an appearance alongside the iPhone 11, on September 10th. 

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