Apple Watch Series 6 Is Expensive But You Should Still Buy It – Here’s Why

This week, we didn’t quite get the iPhone 12 we expected, but Apple didn’t leave us hanging. We got to see their other devices shine and, as always, sigh at the prices announced. Apple Watch Series 6 was one of those, a premium device that while it feels a bit unattainable at first you can still show off and impress your friends. Here’s why, despite the hefty price, it’s worth staying on the Apple Watch bandwagon.

As much as Apple invests in nice marketing campaigns and a pretty look, they don’t skimp on the tech. Hardware and software go hand in hand so even after you made a ridiculously high purchase from the company, you can’t really complain. Take for example, the Apple Watch Series 6. It looks pretty much the same as the Watch Series 5, and the 4, and the 3…. you know what I mean, they haven’t changed it in a while.

Sure, they could play with gradients and such, but why do it when the design of the smartwatch isn’t the users’ major complaint?

No, Apple used this year’s model to get in line with its rivals. Sleep tracking, a thing Samsung and Fitbit are doing for a while now, finally showed its face. Why did they wait so long? Well, what were the odds of this feature working properly with not even a day-long battery?

Indeed, the Watch 5 lasted only 18 hours! Not gonna lie, that watch deserved its title of best smartwatch with crappiest battery on the market. 

Blood oxygen monitoring was also old news for Samsung or Garmin, while it missed suspiciously from Apple Watches – until now; especially since it’s a function every athlete needs in order to know when to push and when to pull back. 

And while getting even – on a tech level – is Apple’s strategy, when it comes to price that’s not enough anymore. Getting more seems to be their motto here. More money from customers, as the Watch Series 6 is still more expensive than the Watch 3 from Samsung while having about the same features (the LTE version starts from $499.)

So why in the world shouldn’t you switch? Besides the obvious answer, that is – the ecosystem. The fact that no other smartwatch has the same perfect integration with your iOS devices.

Well, the answer is because sooner likely than later, Apple will pull out a rabbit from their hat. They’re gonna surprise and delight and all will be forgotten. No, seriously. Thankfully, Apple is always looking for the next big thing to show their consumers their faith in them is not misplaced. 

As annoying as the company can be, the team’s ideas for the next Apple Watch, the Series 7, sound amazing. Stick with them and you’ll get a microLED display, the next big thing in display technologies. This will make the next Watch slimmer and more power-efficient, finally giving Apple’s battery a break. 

And that’s not all – watch the video above to find out what other useful features they’re planning to add!

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