Smart Life

Apple Watch To Sport Flexible Face And Band Display

Apple Watch Series 2

See this Apple Watch design? Memorize it because next time you’ll witness an Apple Watch launch, the device might look completely different. The company is apparently thinking of creating a smart watch with a flexible display that covers both the face and the band #objectmagic

Recently, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent filed by Apple for an interesting smartwatch display and design. As Patently Apple points out, Apple has been spending the last two years working on a smartwatch design that integrates a single, continuous display. We’re talking about a flexible display that covers the face of the watch and the band, going around your wrist.

But this is not the only design change Apple has in mind for a future smartwatch. As the patent shows, the company might ditch the rectangular shape of the display used in the first two Apple Watch products. Instead, the screen could be circular, like standard watches don. Fortunately, if this design comes to life, we won’t have to worry about thick bezels. In the sketches submitted, they look slim enough to allow users an easy, carefree navigation.

Underneath the hood, the Apple Watch is set to feature a super slim and small module with memory and a processor and a communication module (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi) that can help it connect to other gadgets. This last one could also feature one or more WWAN transceivers for cellular data connection.

As exciting as this sounds, nothing is definite when it comes to Apple, especially a patent. The company files hundreds of patents, but makes just a couple of them reality. Still, it would be nice to see them bring an innovative wearable product for a change.

If you’re thinking about getting a third-generation Apple Watch, then get up to speed with the latest rumors. It seems that Apple Watch Series 3 will feature smart bands with added functionalities and a glucose tracker (possibly marketed as an optional health band).  More about it here. 

We have also heard that the smartwatch will come with a micro-LED display, bigger battery and possibly LTE connectivity.

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