
Apple Will Allow Veterans To Access Their Health Records on their iPhone


Apple has made an announcement today that they have partnered up with the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in order to allow the American veterans who are receiving care though the Veterans Health Administration to view their health records directly via the Health app on their iPhone.

“We have great admiration for veterans, and we’re proud to bring a solution like Health Records on iPhone to the veteran community.
It’s truly an honor to contribute to the improved healthcare of America’s heroes.”

Tim Cook, Apple CEO

The health data that will be stored on the app will include everything from allergies to immunizations, lab results, medications, vitals and more. The patients will receive an integrated snapshot of their entire health profile with just one tap on the screen.

The data is encrypted and is protected via passcode, Touch or Face ID.

Jeff Williams, Apple COO said that if patients “have better access to their health information, they have more productive conversations with their physicians.”

This is not the first time Apple has made efforts to help veterans: back in December 2018, the company offered a 10% discount to both veterans and the active military.

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