
Audi E-Tron Scooter Combines an Electric Scooter and a Skateboard Too


Audi is coming in strong to the electric vehicle market, with the launch of its first all-electric E-Tron SUV. To top that, it reveals a concept electric scooter that is a bit different than your regular city scooter – because it rides like a skateboard. This means the driver is not facing forward as you would on a regular e-scooter, but sideways and rides it like a skateboard by shifting weight while holding the front handlebar with one hand.

The handlebar controls acceleration and braking, leaving the other hand free to signal or hold a shopping bag. The E-Tron city scooter has a range of about 12.5 miles (20 km), can reach a speed of 12.5 mph and weighs about 26 pounds (26 kg). Audi says it will be available in late 2020 and will cost around 2,000 euros (approx. $2,240).

The handle has the battery built-in and it has a small display showing the remaining charge level. The scooter is equipped with front and rear lights, including brake lights, and has Bluetooth connectivity that lets you customize it and offers theft protection. Audi says users will be able to charge the scooter in the trunk of the E-Tron vehicles lineup, suggesting it might come as an option complementing the electric cars.

Other car manufacturers have also made a move into the micro-mobility market. Ford just bought its own dockless scooter company – Spin, Volkswagen already announced the Streetmate and Cityskater urban mobility concepts and General Motors has the ARĪV electric bike.

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