
Barsys’ Robot Bartender Can Prepare Your Favorite Cocktails In Your Home


Enjoying a good food or a drink is often an enhanced experience if you’ve prepared it yourself or if you’ve watched an expert do it for you but how would you feel if that if that expert was a machine?

Barsys CEO Akshet Tewari came up with the idea of a robot cocktail maker during his finals in college and went on to create the company in 2014. That is how the Automated Cocktail Maker came to life – a machine designed for the purpose of offering you the same cocktail experience you would get by visiting an actual bar.

Just that you would not even have to leave the house to go grab your drink – you could enjoy your favorite cocktail wearing pajamas, while watching Netflix. 

The machine in question holds five bottles of liquor and three canisters for mixers and also occupies less space than a bartender would, as it can fit comfortably on a kitchen countertop. 

It also has a pretty sleek steel design that features an interactive lighting system at the bottom, where the glasses are placed. The color of these lights change while the drink is being prepared, which works as a countdown that will let you know how close your drink is to being finished. 

So, how does the magic happen?

To begin with, the base spirits are fitted in bottles that rest on the top of the machine and they each receive a rubber nozzle that prevents leaks. The mixers then have to be poured into the canisters that come with the machine. After that is done and dealt with, they slide to the side and lock into place. 

Then the fun part begins: you turn the machine on and sync your phone with it via a companion app and tell it the ingredients you’ve added. Barsys has a library of over 2,000 cocktails and, with all that knowledge on hand, it can recommend what drinks it can make with the ingredients you gave it. 

After you make your decision, Barsys can prepare your cocktail in about 15 to 30 seconds. 

The app also keeps track of the ingredients themselves and will tell you when you’re running low and need to refill. 

Barsys is now launching the next reiteration of its robot bartender which will allow you to control it with three devices at a time, via Bluetooth. The machine will also employ the use of AI in order to keep the drinks consistent. 

However, it won’t come for cheap: the Barsys 2.0 will sell with a price tag of $1,500. 

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