
Better Than Oculus Rift? Varjo Headset To Come With 70MP Resolution Per Eye

varjo headset

VR is good and all, but a bit of extra resolution would go a long way, right? Polish company Varjo thinks the same, guys, and they’re about to release a headset display with a resolution per eye of 70 megapixels #realitymagic

Urho Konttori, the CEO and co-founder of Varjo (and one of the key people in developing the Lumia phones), is close to release a VR and AR headset temporarily called “20/20”. The selling point is the supposed maximum resolution technology of 70MP per eye. If you know what commercial headsets are offering now (1.2MP/eye in the case of Oculus Rift), then you know this is a big deal. That said, there’s no word on latency, frame rate and compatibility with current virtual reality content.

Varjo does say that their 2017 headset display will keep the 100-degree field of view. As for the technology, it’s apparently a combination  of focus display, context display, optical combiner and gaze tracker. “This technology, along with Varjo VST, jump-starts the immersive computing age overnight – VR is no longer a curiosity, but now can be a professional tool for all industries.” , said Urho Konttori.

As for the augmented reality capabilities, the technology can always be used to create overlays on top of real environments, in a Hololens sort of fashion. The best part is that their product has low computing requirements, although we don’t have details on what that entails exactly.

Varjo display should pop up on the market in late Q4, 2017.

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