Smart Life

BMW To Introduce In-Car Voice Assistant In 2019

Credit: BMW

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If your life is full of Alexas and Siris you depend on for various tasks, then you’ll love the idea of having an AI-based assistant in your car as well.

According to BMW, who plans to deliver on that, the Intelligent Personal Assistant that will arrive in the spring of 2019 will help make your car as personalized as it can.

Credit: BMW Group / YouTube 

The AI, who will respond to “Hey BMW” (but can be customized to respond to any other name you want), will be available in 23 languages.

It will be tied to the cloud and this ease of access will benefit rentals and car sharing but it will also be useful in the way that the assistant can be linked to the smart speakers within your home or even your smartphone, giving you control over remotely starting the car or other commands such as heating or cooling, before you even leave the house for work in hot summer days or cold winter mornings.

The assistant will be updated regularly and will remember its user’s preferences but also help them out, if the need arises – when the command “Hey BMW, I feel tired” is spoken, it triggers a program that not only adjusts the lighting, but also the music and the temperature, in order to keep the driver awake.

If the AI will not be to your liking, BMW assures the users that their Intelligent Personal Assistant will be compatible with other popular digital voice assistants as well.

If any of you were thinking about the Knight Rider TV series while reading this, so was I. Honestly? Totally looking forward to it.

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