Bosch Brings Self-Driving Shuttle Pod at CES 2019

The preparations for CES 2019 are going into full gear, with Bosch announcing a surprise for the attendants.

The company is bringing an electric self-driving shuttle pod concept in the biggest show in Las Vegas and making everyone dream about this type of ride sharing.

The gorgeous autonomous shuttle concept represents a blend of custom, Bosch-developed hardware, software and mobility, where you’d only need a smartphone to enjoy five-star service.

You’ll order the self-driving shuttle with your phone, unlock it with Bosch’s Perfectly Keyless digital access service and then while traveling to your destination, you can sync your phone to the onboard entertainment system or enjoy the Concierge System, which is basically a personal assistant.

“In the future, every vehicle on the road will make use of Bosch digital services,” said Dr. Markus Heyn, a Bosch board member.

Looking at what’s on display, it’s hard to argue with that but we can’t wait to actually see this Bosch shuttle for ourselves.

bosch shuttle autonomous ces 2019 2

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