
By 2021, Ford Will Launch A Fleet Of Fully Autonomous Taxis


When Ford is publicly announcing its involvement in something hot… on wheels, you know they’re not kidding. Mark Fields, CEO of Ford Motor Co., is convinced they can launch an entire fleet of completely autonomous taxis in five years’ time #automagic

That time period might seem a bit of a stretch if you’re looking at it from the outside. Yet, the company can count on a growing R&D center in Sillicon Valley and multiple partnerships. Mind you, Ford has the backup of Civil Maps, a startup that makes software needed to convert LiDAR information into data self-driving cars can read. Plus, they count on the support of Nirenberg Neuroscience for machine vision and deep learning tech, not to mention Saips’ input on object detection and tracking.

All in all, Ford has pretty much covered its grounds. The only thing that remains a variable for them at this point is the company that will run the fleet. We’re guessing it will be a choice between Uber and Lyft. That will be especially important, considering Ford intends to make its vehicles totally autonomous, with no steering wheels and pedals. Don’t worry, they won’t leave it to chance – Fields is too invested in it: “autonomous vehicles could potentially have the same impact on society that Henry Ford’s moving assembly line had.”

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