
You Can’t Rely On Google Pixel 2 XL For Great Audio Recording, Unfortunately

google pixel 2 xl audio

Google is yet again under fire for problems related to the Pixel 2 XL smartphones. After getting complains for customers for screen issues, the company is being bombarded with requests to replace phones with poor audio quality or fix the problem as soon as possible #mobilemagic

It was just last week when we were reporting that Google had to respond to claims that Pixel 2 XL screens were going through a burn-in phase. Back then, a spokesperson for the company stated that they were investigating the reports. Now, the phones are once again making headlines for their poor audio recording quality, which has made users reach to Google or take more drastic measures.

CNET was vocal about the issues, while Pixel users went on Google forums to make their complaints known. Most reported registering high-pitched, distorted sound that made the whole experience awful. It was a sensation akin to hearing a screeching audio while being underwater. One user took to YouTube to show exactly what the smartphone is doing and why he was forced to send back his Pixel: “The sound is like I am in a tin can. I checked it several times with other settings and locations. It was bad every time I recorded something.”

This time around, the company was quick to appease customers, saying that they were aware of the problems and a fix would be “rolled out in the next few weeks.” We’ll update this article when/if that happens.

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