cassie robot

Cassie, A Bipedal Sprinting Robot, Sets New World Record for the 100m Dash

Better start working on your cardio if you’re afraid of robots because they’re getting faster by the day.

Cassie, a bipedal robot made by the  Oregon State University College of Engineering, just set a new world record for the 100m dash.

Cassie finished the race in 24.73 seconds, at a speed of about 9 miles per hour.

In 2021, Cassie was tested in a 5K run and managed to finish in 53 minutes on a single charge.

Fortunately, the record only relates to bipedal robots, not humans, but the fact that Cassie could maintain its balance and speed on a single charge is impressive nonetheless.

For comparison, the human speed record for the 100m dash belongs to Usain Bolt, who can clear that race in 9.58 seconds, less than half the time.

The exciting part of this race is the potential. Using learned policies for robot control is a very new field, and this 100-meter dash is showing better performance than other control methods,” said OSU robotics professor Jonathan Hurst.

Cassie has knees that bend like an ostrich’s and operates with no cameras or external sensors, “essentially as if blind”, as its makers explain, so that might assuage some fears.

You can read all about the project here

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Cassie, A Bipedal Sprinting Robot, Sets New World Record for the 100m Dash

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