
China’s Space Station Is Going To Crash To Earth In The Next Months

china space station
photo credits: bisbos.com

In a very “The 100” scenario, China announced that we’re very likely to watch their space station crash to Earth in the following months. After six years, the Tiangong-1 is falling apart, with chunks of it most likely reaching our planet by 2018.

The 8.5-ton Tiangong-1 space station is thankfully one of the smallest space stations out there, capable of accommodating a crew of three persons at the most. Since its launch, in 2011, the unit has been in a state of progressive decay, so much so that engineers are starting to think it will hit Earth in the next couple of months.

According to the The Guardian, Chinese officials admitted that last year they had failed in correcting the station’s altitude. Because of that, Tinagong-1 was doomed to reach Earth in late spring 2018, if not earlier.

There is a bright side to it though. Even if parts of the station weighing up to 220 pounds (100 kilograms) fall at an alarming speed on Earth, they’re unlikely to hit areas highly populated.

That said, scientists will figure out where the station lands just hours before it happens. Not much time to evacuate a whole city or small town…

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