Smart Life

Daylight Savings Bug Causes Reboot Loops On The Apple Watch Series 4

Credit: Apple

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It was just last week that the iPhone XS and XS Max users were reporting charging issues with the newest Apple flagship phones and now a new issue is arising for the company, this time concerning the Apple Watch Series 4.

It seems that, after the daylight saving time change happened, some Australian users have realized that their smartwatches got stuck in an endless reboot loop.

After some investigation, it looks like the issue came from the new Activity feature on the Infograph Modular face on the device. Apparently the Modular face is unable to draw a timeline graph of the current day because one of the hours is missing – due to this this problem the device finds it more fit to crash and reboot. The cycle is then repeated until the battery drains out completely.

Users are advised to have some patience until Apple will roll out an update to fix the bug. Plugging the smartwatch back on or leaving the charger in will most likely affect the device as well, so that is not advised either.

Some users have been able to solve the issue by changing the watch face from the Watch app but unfortunately it does not work for everyone. Apple has not released a statement concerning the problem yet, but they will most likely come up with a fix quite soon.

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