eminem singing

Deepfake AI Eminem Voice Disses The Patriarchy, Kanye Joins In Too

Eminem as a feminism champion? Thanks to deepfake AI voice technology, Eminem is now dissing the patriarchy and has Kanye joining him on the computer-generated track.

The same group who used AI to create a deepfake Eminem diss for Mark Zuckerberg, called Calamity AI, is back at it with a new stunt.

This time, the deepfake AI voice has Eminem “taking a stand to males and sticking up for women”, with a verse backed up by a deepfake Kanye West.

The new song’s lyrics were created using another AI called ShortlyAI, a text-generator based on the OpenAI GPT-3 project. 

Then, those lyrics were sent to 30HZ, a producer who makes “synthetic parody songs and other poorly written material.”

The result is hilarious, considering Eminem was about to be cancelled thanks to a TikTok social media campaign accusing the rapper of glorifying abuse in songs like “Love the Way You Lie.”

Soo, the only question is: will the real Slim Shady please stand up and roast the deepfakes?

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Deepfake AI Eminem Voice Disses The Patriarchy, Kanye Joins In Too

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