
Delta Air Lines To Use Facial Recognition For Faster Bag Drop Services

delta air lines

One airline is trying to make facial recognition more than a security tool. Delta Air Lines is planning to test this summer the biometric feature as a way of optimizing baggage drop #biomagic

In the next couple of months, Delta Air Lines plans to install special bag drop kiosks at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. These will help passengers deal with baggage drop by themselves, instead of staying in a line, waiting for a gate agent to take their luggage. Four such self-service kiosks will appear this summer, one of them equipped with something more: facial recognition technology.

This biometric kiosk will invite priority customers to scan their passports and match them with real-time face scanning in order to confirm their identity. This tech will hopefully speed up the bag drop process. If all goes well and customer feedback is satisfactory, then Delta Air Lines will implement the technology in other airports.

bag drop kiosk facial recognition

“We expect this investment and new process to save customers time,” explained Gareth Joyce, Delta’s senior VP for airport customer service and cargo. “And, since customers can operate the biometric-based bag drop machine independently, we see a future where Delta agents will be freed up to seek out travelers and deliver more proactive and thoughtful customer service.”

The Minneapolis airport won’t be the first one to try speeding up airport protocols using facial recognition. Face-scanning kiosks for check-in purposes are expected at Ottawa International Airport this year. Plus, British Airways intends to do face-readings at the boarding gate in Heathrow Airport (London). These will be compared to those capture at security to prevent any deception.

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