
Doom’s Creator, John Romero, Just Launched A Big Update to the Legendary Game

george romero sigil doom expansion

Doom, the legendary game that spawned an entire genre of shooter games, is now even better and has a new area for you to clear of demons.

Its original creator, John Romero, posted the fifth (unofficial) episode of Doom on his website, for free.

Titled Sigil, the Doom expansion brings nine new single-player levels and nine deathmatch levels so, if you want a trip down nostalgia lane, your next weekend is fully booked.

Also read: ✍This Guy Ran “Doom” Game On MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar✍

Romero described it best:

“After killing the Spiderdemon at the end of E4M8 (Unto the Cruel), your next stop is Earth — you must save it from hellspawn that is causing unimaginable carnage. But Baphomet glitched the final teleporter with his hidden Sigil whose eldritch power brings you to even darker shores of Hell. You fight through this stygian pocket of evil to confront the ultimate harbingers of Satan, then finally return to become Earth’s savior. In summary, rip and tear!”

In summary, it’s rare to get the opportunity to play a classic game expanded by its original creator and even more so to see content from George Romero, one of the masters of level design.

If, for some reason, you loved the 2016 game but missed the 90s original, now’s your chance to experience a classic. Just find the original Doom, install it, then download the Sigil expansion. Just like the old days, you won’t spend much time downloading content, because the entire package is under 4 megabytes.

To support the creator and also get the soundtrack, you can buy the Doom Sigil expansion and the Buckethead music together for… €6.66, of course!

Also read: ✍Roomba Vacuum Can Turn Your House Into A Playable ‘Doom’ Map✍

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