Smart Life

Drones Are Making 2 Hour-Long Aircraft Inspections In Just 10 Minutes

airbus drone inspection

Anything can happen in flight – even a flock of birds can hit an airplane and delay your flight for hours. Unexpected technical problems occur more often than you’d like. That’s why inspections are not only necessary, but crucial for your life. Workers spend several hours ensuring an airplane is fit for flight but now, one company is convinced it can reduce the time and other inconvenients by letting drones handle the work #actionmagic

Instead of leaving humans to deal with inspections that require the use of cranes and lifts, Airbus believes drones can save time and prevent injuries by taking up the chore. At the Farnborough Airshow, a drone showed that it delivers in minutes. Using an Intel RealSense camera, the drone snapped photos of an A350. Then, a team of inspectors applied them to a 3D model to get a detailed look of the entire airplane. All in all, the inspection took 15 minutes instead of the normal 1 to 2 hours. 

The company will finish program testing by the end of 2016 and plans to include more aircrafts in the future. This is just one way drones are used to help jets; Russia took a radically different approach with its bodyguard drones. 

source: Airbus

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