
Dutch Designer Creates Living Light, Plants That Double As Lamps

living lights plants

Keeping our comfort while protecting the environment is not as impossible as you might think. One Dutch designer is proving that as we speak. She managed to turn plants into lamps while allowing them to grow #objectmagic

Ermi van Oers is the creator of Living Light, plants that illuminate the house just like a lamp would. To achieve that, Oers is taking advantage of the photosynthesis process. It’s when plants release organic elements in the soil. In turn, bacteria that leaves in the soil generates electrons and protons that can quickly provide electricity. By doing so, the plant lights up the glass case, spreading a nice glow.

It’s not enough to light an entire room, but as a bedside lamp it should work just fine. Oers says that the quantity of light you get from such a fixture depends on how well you take care of the plant: “ It’s an energy source which cannot produce a constant power output. For me, this restriction is very poetic, the period of light depends on the well-being of the plant and is a reflection of your treatment.

Of course, the designer and Plant-E (a startup that looks into plant energy) are planning to work further to see if they can generate more light from the plants.

The first plant lights should ship to customers next year. The Dutch creative plans to make 50 units to start.

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