
Facebook Gives Users More Control With Face Recognition Setting

PC: Facebook

In the aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook has been working to improve their privacy measures. In their latest move to give users more control of their own data and information, Facebook has just announced a new face recognition setting.

Outlined in a newsroom post by Applied Research Lead at Facebook AI Srinivas Narayanan, Facebook will be giving users more control over how the company’s proprietary facial recognition technology is used when it comes to their image. On the platform, facial recognition is used to find content that you may be in, whether or not you are tagged, protect identity through verification processes and help the platform identify you to those with visual impairments.

Users will be alerted of this new setting and get a notification describing how it works. By default, users will have face recognition turned off. To opt in, users will be asked to turn on this setting through the aforementioned notification. If the setting is left off, Facebook will not use their facial recognition software to identify you in content.

Previously, users were given some control over how Facebook used their facial recognition software. In particular, there was a “tag suggestions” setting that used the software to identify friends within your content. “Tag suggestions” will no longer exist as the new face recognition setting will allow for more holistic control.

The new setting is expected to come to your account soon. 

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