
Fallout 76 Will Introduce A Public Test Server In 2020


Fallout 76 has had its ups and downs since it has been released and the game received a lot of complaints for all the bugs and other gameplay-related issues that peeked their ugly head at the players pretty much from day one. 

The players encountered issues ranging from technical mishaps to structural ones where there were no human NPCs anywhere in sight. Bethesda has done its best to fix the problems across the 10 months that passed since the game launched and will continue to tackle the ones that have slipped through the gaps with future patches. 

One of the ways it plants to do is via the introduction of a Public Test Server in 2020. For the time being, the company is not releasing a lot of information about as it still needs to ‘figure out all (or most of) the kinks” but promised the players that it will provide them with all the necessary information in due time. 

This announcement comes as part of the Fallout 76 weekly news and notes bit and though the company usually keeps the players up to date with what is going on and what to expect, this time it did not specify what platforms will qualify for the Public Test Server. 

Bethesda also added that, in 2020, it will include adding loadouts to the Perk Card system, a feature that will definitely come in handy – currently, the players can only swap their perks around one by one, which is a bit of a hassle to say the least, when specific cards are useful only in particular situations. 

The Legendary Player system will also be making an appearance at the beginning of 2020 along side multifactor authentication, social menu fixes and some changes to Public Events. 

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