
Game Over? Fortnite Addiction Cited In 200 Divorces So Far

fortnite addiction divorce

Fortnite is definitely this year’s phenomenon in gaming and it appears to be a leading cause for marital issues as well. According to a surprising report from Divorce Online, this battle royale game has definitely brought chaos to family life. Fortnite addiction was cited in more than 200 divorce proceedings in UK alone!

If divorce proceedings worldwide could be studied for Fortnite mentions, something tells us that number would reach epic proportions. This is probably why, when contacted by Cnet, Epic Games did not provide a response to the Divorce Online report.

Just how many families have been torn apart by gaming or social media addiction?

“These numbers equate to roughly 5 percent of the 4,665 petitions we have handled since the beginning of the year and as one of the largest filers of divorce petitions in the UK is a pretty good indicator,” states the report. Of those, more than 200 mention a Fortnite addiction as a reason for legal separation since January 1st, 2018 alone.

With Pokemon Go causing trouble in unexpected places, it’s no wonder than another gaming behemoth shoulders the blame for quite an important social issue. The critical question is, will this news give more ammo to lawmakers?

Also read: ✍Compulsive Gamers Could Be Viewed As Mentally Ill By WHO✍

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