Geneinno Bringing Titan, the First Diving Drone With Robotic Arm, to CES 2019

It’s that time of the year and we don’t mean gift-giving! Tech makers and scientists around the world are getting ready to introduce their latest creations at CES 2019 and Geneinno is one of them.

The company will bring at CES the first diving drone equipped with a robotic arm, a drone that’s capable of diving up to 492 feet and bringing up amazing 4K footage or streaming full HD video.

Nicknamed Titan, this diving drone was funded through an IndieGoGo campaign this summer and went above its funding goal by 420%. It’s easy to see why, because it promises to let owners capture amazing underwater footage of up to 150 m below the waves, with the same easy controls as an aerial drone and anti-current stabilization.

The robotic arm is certainly a tempting proposition for would be treasure hunters!

Titan the diving drone will be on display at the largest consumer event in tech and its makers promised it will be made available for testing.

Stay tuned, we’re ready to dive in and bring our impressions.

Also read: ✍The Cutest Drone You’ve Ever Seen Swims Like A Fish✍

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