Smart Life

Georgia Tech Starts Working On A Smart City Within Tokyo


The idea of building a smart city within a city has been around for years now. In 2015, Tokyo was finally proposed as the site of a smart and ecologically sound community and now the wheels are in motion. Georgia Tech is going to lead the project’s first phase #todaymagic

In three years, Tokyo is going to host the Olympics and Paralympics. By then, experts and stakeholders in urban design and modeling, IoT, smart home and smart mobility intend to deliver a pilot project, a model of sustainable smart city.

So far, GCP (Global Carbon Project), the National Institute of Environmental Studies of Japan, the Department of Urban Engineering of the University of Tokyo and the Eco Urban Lab from Georgia Tech, as well as Misono’s Urban Design Center UDCMi are joining forces to see their project a reality as soon as possible.

The first step is putting the basis of an international Urban Design Studio. What’s that? An on-site workshop where international students can come and study abroad. More than 20 students of Georgia Tech are committed to it, wanting to develop a joint design proposal for the city of the future.

Why Tokyo? Well, as Professor Yang of the Georgia Tech School of City & Regional Planning and School of Architecture puts it, “Tokyo is the largest mega-city of the world with a population of 37 million. Its enormous scale, system complexity, innovation in design, and cutting-edge technologies provides an experimental urban laboratory and a terrific test bed for the smart city concept. We are hoping to develop a design integration model to make sense of this fascinating opportunity in Tokyo.”

We’ll be following their progress with extreme interest. Will you?

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