
Google Maps Update Will Show You the Nearest EV Charging Station

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Having an electric vehicle is all fun and games until you have to find a place to charge it, isn’t it? Recently, though, Google took care of that and implemented a Google Maps update which makes it easy to identify in real time the availability of charging ports in your proximity.

The update can be used by the United States and United Kingdom citizens. Therefore, by typing “ev charging stations” into the app’s search bar, users have access to the nearby charging stations map and see how many charging ports are currently available, and of course – their location.

This isn’t Google’s first attempt to add the EV charging stations update to Google Maps, the first try being last October, and it didn’t provide the station’s open hours. Sadly, users could find themselves in the situation of arriving at the station and find it closed.

Now, according to The Verge, the real-time charging data of Tesla’s Supercharger stations which appear on Google Maps, can’t be seen in the app.

The update is now available on Google Maps desktop, Android, iOS and Android Auto versions.

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