
Google Pixel 6 vs Pixel 6 Pro: How To Tell Them Apart

Google just confirmed the Jordi-like visor on their Pixel 6 phones! From a distance, the vanilla Pixel 6 and the Pixel 6 Pro look pretty much identical. But are they?

Thanks to a series of photos and videos released by Google itself, we can infer that the phones actually have a few differences the naked eye can spot at a closer look.

Although the camera island on the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro is equally sized, the space between it and the top of the phone varies.

The Pixel 6 vanilla has less space from the camera bar to the top than the Pixel 6 Pro.

Then, the camera “visors” aren’t made the same way for the Pro as for the vanilla. The vanilla actually has a full black bar, edges included, while the camera bars set on the Pro models have silver linings.

Finally, Google made sure each line had different color schemes. The Pixel 6 Pro will come in yellow peach, white and dark grey while the normal Pixel 6 will launch in pink, pale green and black.

Want to know more about the Pixel 6 phones?

Read this: Google Pixel 6: This is the Google Phone We Deserve!

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