
How Much Time Do You Spend Watching Netflix? Use This Netflix Calculator and Find Out

How much time have I spent on Netflix

It’s a question that haunts all of us but now there’s a website called Netflix Calculator that shows how much time you spent watching Netflix series.

If you didn’t know, Netflix actually lets you see how much time you spend watching their content (probably to justify those ever-rising subscription costs!) and it’s a very easy process.

You simply have to visit your Netflix profile and export a CSV table with everything you watched on Netflix and when.

Netflix viewing activity export
Netflix viewing activity export

Since nobody has the time or patience to wade through so much Netflix data, there’s also a handy Netflix Calculator website.

Simply upload your Netflix CSV there and the results will look something like this.

Netflix Calculator results
Netflix Calculator results

To get your Netflix data, simply follow these steps:

Go on your user icon, on the top right on desktop or top left on mobile, and select Account.  

Tap ‘My Profile’ and select ‘Viewing Activity’.

Select the ‘Download all’ option and you’ll get a downloadable file called NetflixViewingHistory.csv.

Then, just upload that on NetflixCalculator and you’ll get an analysis in a few seconds.

Will the results you’ll get alter your Netflix habits in any way? Share your score in the comments!

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How Much Time Do You Spend Watching Netflix? Use This Netflix Calculator and Find Out

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