
Huawei May Not Use Android on Its Phones In the Future

The Chinese manufacturer isn’t quite sure whether it can use Google’s Android operating system on its future mobile devices. The issue follows President Donald Trump’s decision to give up restrictions on US companies selling equipment to Huawei.

According to a Huawei executive, the company “will wait for guidance from the Department of Commerce” regarding the operating system, reports Reuters. The Commerce Department is responsible for implementing the Trump administration’s restrictions.
After Trump’s executive order last month, Google shortly cut Huawei off from updates to its mobile, then soon got back in touch on a temporary ‘agreement.’

Due to its difficult relationship with the Chinese government, as well as suspicions on its products – which apparently could be used to spy on companies and other countries – Huawei has raised national security concerns in the US. However, the company constantly denied these accusations.

In a statement for CNET, the manufacturer accepted Trump’s most recent decision but chose to have “no further comment at this time.”
The National Economic Council Chairman Larry Kudlow stated that Huawei hasn’t been granted a “general amnesty”. Kudlow also mentioned that US companies can only sell widely available products to the company.

Apparently, according to a report, the Chinese manufacturer has a backup plan in case Google wouldn’t be an option anymore in terms of providing operating systems.

Rumor has it Huawei is working on its own OS, codenamed Hongmeng. Moreover, the company invited Google Play Store developers to publish apps on its own AppGallery digital store.

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