
Huawei, To Be Excluded From The UK’s 5G Infrastructure by 2023

The Chinese manufacturer won’t seem to catch a break, and it looks like Huawei clearly can’t expect to play an important role in key Western 5G rollouts.

According to a report by The Financial Times, the UK is planning gradually take out Huawei’s equipment in 5G network, and eliminate all of until 2023.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson always had issues with allowing Huawei’s involvement ever since, and the situation has been aggravated by the pandemic – according to Daily Telegraph.

These measures would please the US government, as Trump administration has banned the use of Huawei’s technology through an executive order that stops the US companies from purchasing telecommunications equipment that could endanger national security.

However, the cost of honoring the existing 35% cap on Huawei is about £500 million and it might be more expensive to drop the Chinese manufacturer, not to mention the UK’s plans to bring fiber internet access to every home could be seriously affected. 

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