
Hyperloop TT to Bring 10 Km Hyperloop in Abu Dhabi

Only one week after announcing their hyperloop testing in France, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (TT) is introducing an even more impressive project. The company wants to bring a commercial hyperloop system in UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi.

With a planned length of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles), the test track will be built near the border that separates Abu Dhabi from Dubai. The location was picked strategically, as Hyperloop TT wants to finish the impressive project in time for Expo 2020, a festival dedicated to human ingenuity.

“A forward-thinking nation like the UAE is ideal for building the most revolutionary, most efficient, and fastest transportation system in the world. With this historic agreement in Abu Dhabi, we take a big step towards the world’s first commercial system,” said Hyperloop’s CEO.

The long-term plan is to eventually expand this 10 km hyperloop into a complete network of more than 1000 km in length between cities in the Middle East, going from Dubai to Abu Dhabi and then Riyadh in Saudi Arabia.

The hyperloop network will decrease travel times tremendously. Currently, to go from Abu Dhabi to Dubai, you’d have to drive an hour and a half to complete a 139 km journey. Via Hyperloop, this journey takes just 12 minutes.

It’s indeed an amazing accomplishment for the idea brought to the world by Elon Musk. Certainly, competitors like Virgin’s Hyperloop One will now have a new challenge to overcome to keep up with Hyperloop TT’s extraordinary development pace.

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