
Il Makiage Launches AI Quiz That Finds Your Perfect Foundation Shade

Il Makiage

Finding a foundation to fits and feels just right is the ultimate ‘aha!’ moment for any makeup wearers out there. But the future is here and it’s not all about smart cars or smart clothing that helps you do Yoga – tech’s here to help you find just the right foundation that will be the perfect match for both your tone and skin type.

Makeup brand Il Makiage has now launched what it has dubbed the PowerMatch algorithm, which uses machine learning to predict your perfect shade of the brand’s own Woke Up Like This foundation without even looking at your face. I’m serious, all you have to do is take one simple quiz. Allegedly, the algorithm has a 90% accuracy rating.

In the past few years, we’ve seen that people prefer shopping for products online but also want shades that are personalized to their skin tone” Shiran Holtzman-Erel, Co-Founder and Head of Product at Il Makiage, has saidWe knew something in the beauty industry needed to be shaken up. We wanted to create something that gives our customers the ability to find a foundation that is a perfect match for their shade.”

And it looks like the brand is confident in PowerMatch’s abilities because they offer the possible customers the chance to try out the foundation that the PowerMatch recommended, for free, as long as they pay $5 for shipping.

Impressed or not? If you’re a makeup wearer, let us know if the PowerMatch really made a difference or not because we’re a little curious now.

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