Smart Life

Improve Your Yoga Poses With Pivot’s Smart Yoga Wear

Pivot Yoga

It seems like the age of smart clothing is upon us, or at least, we’re slowly heading in that direction: a new smart clothing line promises to help you get those Yoga moves just right even when you’re at home and don’t have an instructor to guide you.

It’s called Pivot Yoga and it consists of a yoga wear that has small sensors built into each piece of clothing. While they look, feel and wash like any other garment out there, they communicate wirelessly with the companion app and the online classes that were developed alongside some of the world’s best Yoga teachers.

It’s all pretty straightforward: you put on the clothes, open the Pivot Yoga app and then choose which class you want to stream. The app and the clothes will go through a short calibration routine before the video will start.

The Pivot Yoga will introduce your avatar next to the teacher on the screen, this way allowing you to practice side by side with the instructor. You can even control the video playback by voice and stop it when you need to adjust your pose or ask “How does this look?” so you can get customized suggestions from the teacher concerning your pose.

The Pivot Yoga is available for pre-order in the U.S and Canada with a special pre-order price of $99 for the garments while the content subscription charge costs $19 per month.

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