Smart Life

This Smart Mirror Is Actually A Complete Home Gym

smart mirror home gym smart gym device start-up

What do you see in the mirror? Are you happy with your shape?

If not, you need another mirror, a smarter one. Check out the latest player in the “home workouts” arena, a device that promises amazing virtual fitness classes.

The Mirror is a smart device that looks like a regular mirror but is actually a device that connects you to an instructor and other classmates. The system combines a mirror with a video conferencing system and performance metrics to allow you to do yoga, boxing, Pilates or barre alongside others, from the comfort of your own home.

The Mirror Start-up has already raised $13 million in funding. The CEO, Brynn Putnam, was a professional dancer with the New York City Ballet. She says her device is a “complete home gym in a sleek high-design item” and, unlike competitors, it connects you with professionals who provide on-the-fly “feedback in how you’re doing with the given workout.”

So far, no pricing has been revealed, but it’s safe to assume it won’t come cheap. TechCrunch estimates a ballpark of $2000 for the Mirror device, also speculating on the possibility that you’ll have to shell out extra for the content.

The Mirror fitness device is not the first gadget to have the idea of looking like a mirror. We wrote about the Naked Labs 3D mirror at the end of 2016, a smart scale that scans your entire body and produces a 3D mirror of yourself. Naked Lab’s 3D mirror lets you see measurements, body fat percentage, and muscle gain and even produces a heat map that highlights the areas where you’re improving.

Oh, there’s also a digital mirror called Memory Mirror, which allows you to try on different virtual outfits. Together, all of these digital mirrors could prove to be an amazing combination for those looking to make certain lifestyle changes.

Seems to us that the future of self-improvement will host a lot of “Mirrors, mirrors on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” questions aimed at smart devices.

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