intel chip

Intel Wants To Surpass Apple By Making Better Chips

Intel Corp. Chief Executive Pat Gelsinger still holds on to winning back Apple Inc. as a customer. How? By outcompeting the tech giant, of course.

He recently told Axios reporter Ina Fried that he doesn’t condemn Apple AAPL, 1.25% for dropping Intel INTC, 0.79% as well as the company’s decision to make its own chipsets.

“Apple decided they could do a better chip themselves than we could,” he said. “And, you know, they did a pretty good job. So what I have to do is create a better chip than they can do themselves. I would hope to win back this piece of their business, as well as many other pieces of business, over time.”

Gelsinger’s strategy of surpassing Apple consists in making a high-end product, better than Apple’s, that would ensure customers with unparalleled quality and guarantee Intel has no competition in the niche.

“In the meantime, I’ve gotta make sure our products are better than theirs, that my ecosystem is more open — and vibrant — than theirs, and that we create a more compelling reason for developers and users to land on Intel-based products,” Gelsinger said. “So I’m gonna fight hard to win [Apple CEO Tim Cook’s] business in this area.”

Before Apple switched to making its own custom chips, Intel was providing chips for Apple’s Macs since 2005.

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Intel Wants To Surpass Apple By Making Better Chips

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