
Invincible Battery Doesn’t Explode When Cut Or Punctured

invincible battery cut punctures

A disaster such as the one Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was involved in can be averted by using an invincible battery. Hear me out: I’m not talking about a theoretical concept but an actual battery that doesn’t explode even when it’s cut #hardwaremagic

A Tufts University professor developed a battery that withstands cuts and punctures like a hero. It won’t explode in either case, Mike Zimmerman explained in a NOVA documentary:

You can cut it in half and it will still continue to work. Unbelievable? Believe it! Zimmerman achieved this performance by replacing the flammable liquid electrolyte and the separator usually found in a Li-ion battery with a special plastic polymer that prevents fires. 

Best of all? His invention costs less to produce than the conventional one, so there’s all the reason in the world to help develop it. That said, Zimmerman acknowledges that reliability testing and scaling are going two of the most obvious obstacles in doing that.

If the professor can find the financial and human resources to make it a reality, 2016 won’t have to repeat itself.

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