
iPhone 7 Pro Might Join The Dual Camera Smartphone Trend


Apple might follow Huawei’s model and launch a dual-camera smartphone this fall. As latest leaked photos show, the iPhone 7 Pro (the third in the 7 series) might just come with two rear cameras #mobilemagic

If iPhone 7 Plus will be a bigger version of the entry model, the Pro is probably going to offer more performance than Plus and dual-camera system. This is the latest theory on the technology that will make the latest iPhone stand out, after the photo below started to be seen on the Internet:


Apple fans will suddenly notice a big improvement in background defocus and watch the smartphone perform better in low-light conditions, adjusting color fidelity and making the best of HDR. Plus, if we’re really lucky, we might just discover that the new iPhone allows us to focus on the background or foreground after capturing a photo, thanks to the dual cameras.

Another rumor circling the Internet regards a smart connector at the back, that could provide support to battery cases. But these are just assumptions at this moment – we’ll see more data emerging in the following months.

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