
iPhone SE 2 New Design Could Make It A Roaring Success

iPhone SE 2

While the next generation of iPhones might still be in the distant future, renders of what appears to be the iPhone SE 2 have been circulating around the web. If the leaks turn out to be true, there could be several significant changes coming to the familiar iPhone SE model. This new design could make the iPhone SE 2 a roaring success!

According to the mobile and consumer electronics news site BGR, we expect the iPhone SE 2 to have an almost bezel-less screen, meaning more screen space, and to introduce the iPhone X’s infamous notch. These design decisions likely carry with it three changes: the removal of the home button, the disappearance of the headphone jack, and the added bonus of Face ID.

Based on the BGR report, it also seems as if Apple will stick to the aluminum chassis, or frame. A glass chassis is fundamental for wireless charging, but the aluminum one will definitely be more durable.

iphone x se


Unfortunately for those expecting dual cameras, it appears that this feature will not be appearing in this iteration of the SE. Given that Apple increased RAM on its products due to the needs of the dual camera’s intense operations, the iPhone SE 2 will likely stick to 2GB of RAM.

That said, these rumored adjustments and the increase in screen size from the previous model (4-inch to a 6.2-inch) will definitely bump up the price. This year, the iPhone SE 2 could cost around $799. That’s a huge increase if you consider that the selling price of the SE on the market right now is around $350.

Still, if you want your next phone to sport the notch, Face ID and run iOS, the iPhone SE 2 could be your best option.

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