Smart Life

Japanese Are Hiring Drones To Make Food Deliveries And Dance On Ocassion

Why play with a drone when you can make it play for you? Or even better, deliver food on location? That’s what Japanese thought and transformed quadcopters in motorized workers #actionmagic

Remember the Ski Magic night ballet? It wasn’t a one-time show apparently. MicroAd Inc., the Tokyo online advertising company that pulled off the first entertainment show made with drones, is turning the event in a permanent service. The idea is to create new “information spaces” above outdoor events and props using illuminated drones that can project logos, words, shapes and pictures.

But how to tame those pesky quadcopters? Well, the Japanese company has created a system that can keep in line up to 25 drones, synchronizing their moves and lights with music! If that wasn’t impressive, think about their present goal: raising the number to 100 drones by the end of the year.

Another Japanese company, Rakuten Inc., is using drones to deliver meals and golf balls to customers on a gold course in Chiba. Since May, the flying workers have provided food and entertainment to golfers at the press of a button. The service works through a smartphone app and is free of charge for the moment.

There have also been companies that have used drones to aid after natural disasters, so not everything is food & play, but it’s comforting to know that the industry is figuring out ways to build unmanned aerial vehicles that serve as more than just toys.

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