
Jeff Bezos to Sell Blue Origin Tickets for Space in 2019

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Space tourism could be here sooner than even Elon Musk anticipated, as Jeff Bezos’s space company, Blue Origin, just announced an ambitious plan to sell space tickets next year.

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Last week at the Amazon Web Services Public Sector Summit, Blue Origin’s Senior Vice President said that it will soon launch flights with test passengers aboard the New Shepard rocket. Until now, the New Shepard completed a few test flights but had no passengers on board.

Bezos’ plans to sell suborbital tickets as early as 2019 could make him a winner in the space travel race, as SpaceX plans to fly passengers around the moon in 2020 and Richard Branson’s $250,000 tickets have no date printed on them.

As of now, Blue Origin price tickets are unknown, though the company did tease the experience on its website.

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“The New Shepard capsule’s interior is an ample 530 cubic feet – offering over 10 times the room Alan Shepard had on his Mercury flight. It seats six astronauts and is large enough for you to float freely and turn weightless somersaults,” promises Blue Origin.

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