
Leaked GTA VI Trailer Gets More Than 3 Million Likes In 1 Hour

Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 screencap

Yes, the whole world is ready for GTA VI but, unfortunately, both Rockstarand YouTube weren’t. 

A GTA 6 trailer leaked online so Rockstar was forced to also upload it to their YouTube channel – where it proceeded to probably set a new record for the most liked content.

In 1 hour or so, the GTA VI trailer had amassed 3.3 MILLION likes and managed to break YouTube’s view counter, which was stuck at just under 200K views.

Now, 9 hours after upload, the video has a normal ratio of 48 million views and 6.2 million likes – if you can call these huge numbers “normal”.

As for the video itself, the GTA VI trailer does feel a bit unfinished at the end, so it’s clear why Rockstar Games wasn’t ready to release it. 

Still, only GTA could combine a Tom Petty song with visuals of twerking and people trying to get an alligator out of a convenience store and make it fun, and we’re all here for it.

As usual for the GTA franchise, this has Game of the Year written all over it – and looks like it will provide more than a few years of entertainment for any fan. Any GTA IV players still out there?

Also read: The New Walking Dead Game Is Super Bad But The Internet Is Having A Field Day with It

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